
申込金 ¥11000

Application Fee: This is a non-refundable fee applicable at the time of application.

入園金 ¥44000

Entrance Fee: This is a one-time non refundable fee to first enter the school.  

授業料 月謝: 66000円

年間授業料は792000円(税込)、お支払いは年払い又は月払いです。月謝: 66000円(税込)
* 2歳になる子Kowhai (コファイ)クラスと2歳から3歳児 Koru (コル)クラスの保育料は、月々39600円です。 年少から保育料が変わり、月々66000円になりますが、市から37000円の補助金(就労条件あり)がもらえます。

Monthly tuition is 66000 yen per month. The yearly tuition cost is 792000 (incl tax). It can be paid in one lump sum or monthly by automatic payments.
*There is a 10% sibling discount for younger siblings while two or more siblings are enrolled at the same time.
*The tuition for children under 3 years old is 39600 yen per month. This is raised to 66000 when the child enters 'Nensho' or turning 4 years old class. From 'Nensho' there is a subsidy available from each city of 37000 yen per month (conditions apply)

材料費 ¥33000

Materials Fee: This is a one-time fee each year and covers the cost of materials, textbooks and other daily costs.  

設備費 ¥33000

全クラス1年間。 ※途中入学の場合も必要です。
Maintenance Fee: This is a one-time fee each year and covers the cost of building maintenance and equipment.  

制服代 約¥20000

Uniform Fee: All classes have a uniform. Please bring own backpack to school each day.  

その他の費用​ Others

1. 健康診断費用として年2回、2000円ずつ現金で徴収させていただきます。
Twice a year for medical check there is a cost of 2000 yen.
2. 遠足やイベントによって別途徴収致します。
Events and excursions are separate fees depending on the costs involved.
3. バス代(利用者のみ) スクールバスは、
コース1 高蔵寺エリア、神領エリア、出川エリア、春日井駅を通ります。
コース2 小牧市上末、桃花台あたりを通ります。
Our school van starts from the Kozoji area and runs via Jinryo Station to Tegawa and on to Kasugai Station before heading to Higashino. We can arrange pick-up from individual houses where possible. The second course runs to Komaki Highashitanaka via Tokadai.
片道 One-way :月/3000円 往復 Return :月/4000円
4. ランチ代(利用者のみ)
School lunchbox is 360 yen per day. *全ての価格は税込みです。