E.A.R.T.H コース
E.A.R.T.H では、
In the E.A.R.T.H, course use English naturally in a practical setting through outdoor activities and hands-on experiences with native instructors. Develop communication skills while engaging in real-life situations.
E.A.R.T.H は5つの柱で構成されています
- E: English(英語)このコースには教室での授業はありませんが、すべての活動を英語で行います!英語の初体験のお子様から、英語に慣れているお子様まで、楽しみながら積極的に英語を使い学びます! There are no classroom lessons in this course, but all activities will be conducted in English! Children who are comfortable with English will be encouraged to speak with peers at their level. Beginners are also welcome, if they have a positive attitude and are willing to try speaking English while having fun!
- A: Animal Care(動物のお世話) ウサギ、モルモット、小鳥、ニワトリ、犬、猫など、小さな動物たちとふれあいながら、お世話の仕方を学びます。ケージの掃除やエサやり、グルーミングなどを体験し、動物たちの成長を一緒に見守りましょう!さらに、子どもたち自身が写真を撮り、四半期ごとのニュースレターを作成!支援者に動物たちの様子を伝える大切な役割を果たします。 Children will interact with and care for small animals such as rabbits, guinea pigs, birds, chickens, dogs, and cats. They will gain hands-on experience cleaning cages, feeding animals, and grooming them while observing their growth and well-being. Additionally, children will take photos and write updates to create a quarterly newsletter for supporters, helping them take responsibility and share the animals’ progress.
- R: Recreation(レクリエーション)自然の素材を使ったアート作品作りや木工クラフトなど、ワクワクする創作活動がいっぱい!さらに、ハロウィンやクリスマスなどのイベントも楽しめます。四季折々の自然の中で、遊びながら学びましょう! From crafting with natural materials to woodworking projects, this course is full of creative and exciting activities! We will also celebrate special events such as Halloween and Christmas, making every season a chance to learn, create, and enjoy nature together.
- T: Teamwork(チームワーク)みんなで協力してプロジェクトを計画・実行する経験を大切にしています。ナチュラルプレイエリアの遊具作りや、チームで取り組むアクティビティを通じて、お互いに助け合う力を育みます。 Many activities in this course will require collaboration and planning. Whether it’s helping build play areas or working together on group projects, children will develop social skills, teamwork, and a spirit of cooperation while having fun.
- H: Healthy Living(健康的な生活)畑で野菜や果物を育て、「種から食卓へ」のプロセスを体験!持続可能な暮らしについて学びながら、自分たちで育てた野菜を収穫し、クッキングデーで美味しくいただきます。時にはハイキングなどのアクティビティも取り入れ、自然の中で体を動かしながら健康的なアクティビティーを楽しみましょう! One of the key aspects of this course is growing vegetables and fruits while learning about sustainable living. Children will experience the full cycle of food production, from planting seeds to harvesting and cooking their own meals. We will also include occasional hiking and outdoor activities, helping children stay active while appreciating and taking responsibility for the environment.
2025年度 E.A.R.T.H スケジュール
Sunday 日曜日
- TIME: 9:00-11:00 (120分)
- TUITION: 8800円/月 (monthly)
- A CLASS (3〜6年生) Elementary 3rd to 6th grade
- B CLASS (年長〜2年生) Kindy Nencho to Elementary 2nd grade
- 年20回 (20 days within the year)
- PLACE: 春日井市玉野町(玉川小学校近く)Tamano-Cho Kasugai near Tamagawa E.S
Kiwi Outdoor Education Centre offers a unique blend of outdoor activities and English immersion for children aged 5 to 12. Located in Tamano-cho, Kasugai City, it provides urban kids with hands-on nature experiences while learning English. Inspired by New Zealand’s clean, welcoming environment, the centre promotes gardening, small animal care, and nature conservation, fostering a love for sustainability and the natural world.